Errors using shared_ptr<> and get_deleter in g++-4.1/4.3/4.4
I'm trying to use shared_ptr and get_deleter in a library I'm
developing, but having problems with syntax errors. Below is a
reduced version that shows the errors I'm getting when building with g+
#include <iostream> // For I/O stream classes.
#include <string> // For string class.
#include <cstdlib> // For EXIT_SUCCESS.
#include <tr1/memory> // For shared_ptr.
// Forward declares/using's of types used in declarations below.
using namespace std;
using std::tr1::shared_ptr;
using std::tr1::get_deleter;
struct Base
Base(): i(0) { cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << endl; }
virtual ~Base() { cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << endl; }
int i;
struct Derived: Base
Derived(): num(0.0) { cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << endl; }
virtual ~Derived() { cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << endl; }
double num;
template <typename T>
struct NoDeleter
void operator()(T *p)
template <typename T>
struct Deleter
void operator()(T *p)
delete p;
void test_get_deleter()
Base localBase;
Derived localDerived;
shared_ptr<Base> localBaseSP(&localBase, NoDeleter());
shared_ptr<Derived> localDerivedSP(&localDerived, NoDeleter());
if (get_deleter<NoDeleter, Base>(localBaseSP))
cout << typeid(*get_deleter<NoDeleter,
Base>(localBaseSP)).name() << endl;
if (get_deleter<NoDeleter, Derived>(localDerivedSP))
cout << typeid(*get_deleter<NoDeleter,
Derived>(localDerivedSP)).name() << endl;
Base *allocBase = new Base;
Derived *allocDerived = new Derived;
Base *allocBase2 = new Derived;
shared_ptr<Base> allocBaseSP(allocBase, Deleter());
shared_ptr<Derived> allocDerivedSP(allocDerived, Deleter());
shared_ptr<Base> allocBaseSP2(allocBase2, Deleter());
if (get_deleter<Deleter, Base>(allocBaseSP))
cout << typeid(*get_deleter<Deleter,
Base>(allocBaseSP)).name() << endl;
if (get_deleter<Deleter, Derived>(allocDerivedSP))
cout << typeid(*get_deleter<Deleter,
Derived>(allocDerivedSP)).name() << endl;
if (get_deleter<Deleter, Base>(allocBaseSP2))
cout << typeid(*get_deleter<Deleter,
Base>(allocBaseSP2)).name() << endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
I get the following errors:
g++-4.4 -O0 -g3 -pedantic -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -
MF"get_deleter.d" -MT"get_deleter.d" -o"get_deleter.o" "../
.../get_deleter.cpp: In function ?void test_get_deleter()?:
.../get_deleter.cpp:50: error: missing template arguments before ?(?
.../get_deleter.cpp:51: error: missing template arguments before ?(?
.../get_deleter.cpp:53: error: no matching function for call to
.../get_deleter.cpp:54: error: no matching function for call to
.../get_deleter.cpp:55: error: no matching function for call to
.../get_deleter.cpp:56: error: no matching function for call to
.../get_deleter.cpp:62: error: missing template arguments before ?(?
.../get_deleter.cpp:63: error: missing template arguments before ?(?
.../get_deleter.cpp:64: error: missing template arguments before ?(?
.../get_deleter.cpp:66: error: no matching function for call to
.../get_deleter.cpp:67: error: no matching function for call to
.../get_deleter.cpp:68: error: no matching function for call to
.../get_deleter.cpp:69: error: no matching function for call to
.../get_deleter.cpp:70: error: no matching function for call to
.../get_deleter.cpp:71: error: no matching function for call to
Is this a compiler bug or "operator error"? I've tried putting angle
brackets on the constructors to try to get rid of the errors like the
ones on lines 62-64 (like so: shared_ptr<Base> allocBaseSP<Base,
Deleter>(allocBase, Deleter()), but then get the error:
../get_deleter.cpp:62: error: expected initializer before ?<?
which shouldn't be necessary since the compiler should be able to
deduce it (right?).
I added a "using std::tr1::get_deleter;" on line 10 which I don't
think I should need because of argument dependent lookup (right?) to
get rid of the error messages like the ones on lines 66-71 to no
If operator error, could anyone please tell me what I'm doing wrong or
should I report this as a g++ bug?
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