Re: basic question on c++ linking

=?UTF-8?B?RXJpayBXaWtzdHLDtm0=?= <>
Sun, 29 Jun 2008 12:03:37 GMT
On 2008-06-29 13:10, Peskov Dmitry wrote:

On Jun 29, 3:04 pm, James Kanze <> wrote:

On Jun 29, 10:26 am, Rolf Magnus <> wrote:

Peskov Dmitry wrote:

It is a very basic question.Surely i got something wrong in my basic
//Contents of file1.cpp
using namespace std;
#include <iostream>
template <typename T>
class my_stack;
int main(){
my_stack<int> st1;
int top_element;
top_element = st1.pop();
cout << "Hello World !! Top = " << top_element << endl;
return 0;
The class my_stack is defined in another file.

It's not a class. It's a class template.

say (template.cpp)
file.o template.o -> project
why does it give linker error, since i provided the class
definition while linking too !!!

A class template is not a class. It's a description for the
compiler that tells it how to build the class once it knows
the template arguments. But for that, the compiler must know
the template's definition, not just a declaration.

But that doesn't really change anything here. The statement
    template< typename T > class my_stack ;
is a declaration, not a definition. The same would be true
without the "template< typename T >" (although it would declare
a class, rather than a class template).

Certain uses require a definition; a simple declaration is not
sufficient. Instantiating a template is one, and defining a
variable with a given type is another. Since he does both in
main, a definition must be available, and he's not made one

Please do not quota signatures.

Let me put my question differently ? which one below

class new_class;

This is a declaration, it tells the compiler that there exists a class
called new_class, but nothing else. If all you need is a pointer to the
class a declaration is enough, for just about anything else you need the
definition too.

class new_class
    int a;

This is the definition, it tells the compiler what the new_class is (how
 much memory an instance needs, what members it has etc.). Notice that a
definition is also a declaration, you can declare a type as many times
as you want but you can only define it once.

Because if i include (b) in my code as this one it works.

using namespace std;
#include <iostream>

class new_class
    int a;


int main(){
    new_class st1;
    return 0;

You can also put the definition of the class in a header-file and incude
that in the .cpp-files that needs it.

I assume class definition includes the function that you are defining
something like
class new_class
    int a;

     a = 10;

No, that is the definition of the member function (the constructor in
this case), and it does not have to be included with the class
definition. Actually it is quite common to separate the class definition
from the definitions of its member-functions like this:


class some_class
  int a;
  double b;
  int getA();
  double getB()


#include "some_class.h"

  a = 1;
  b = 2.5;

// Actually we should use an initialisation-list instead of setting the
// values of the class-members in the constructor, but that is for
// another day.

int some_class::getA()
  return a;

double some_class::getB()
  return b;

Any file that needs to use some_class can then include the some_class.h
file like this:


#include <iostream>

#include "some_class.h"

int main()
  some_class c;
  std::cout << c.getA() << "\n" << c.getB() << std::endl;
  return 0;

Erik Wikstr??m

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