Re: basic question on c++ linking

Peskov Dmitry <>
Sun, 29 Jun 2008 04:10:27 -0700 (PDT)
On Jun 29, 3:04 pm, James Kanze <> wrote:

On Jun 29, 10:26 am, Rolf Magnus <> wrote:

Peskov Dmitry wrote:

It is a very basic question.Surely i got something wrong in my basic
//Contents of file1.cpp
using namespace std;
#include <iostream>
template <typename T>
class my_stack;
int main(){
my_stack<int> st1;
int top_element;
top_element = st1.pop();
cout << "Hello World !! Top = " << top_element << endl;
return 0;
The class my_stack is defined in another file.

It's not a class. It's a class template.

say (template.cpp)
file.o template.o -> project
why does it give linker error, since i provided the class
definition while linking too !!!

A class template is not a class. It's a description for the
compiler that tells it how to build the class once it knows
the template arguments. But for that, the compiler must know
the template's definition, not just a declaration.

But that doesn't really change anything here. The statement
    template< typename T > class my_stack ;
is a declaration, not a definition. The same would be true
without the "template< typename T >" (although it would declare
a class, rather than a class template).

Certain uses require a definition; a simple declaration is not
sufficient. Instantiating a template is one, and defining a
variable with a given type is another. Since he does both in
main, a definition must be available, and he's not made one

James Kanze (GABI Software) email:james.ka...@gma=

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Let me put my question differently ? which one below

class new_class;


class new_class
    int a;

is a class declaration ?

Because if i include (b) in my code as this one it works.

using namespace std;
#include <iostream>

class new_class
    int a;


int main(){
    new_class st1;
    return 0;

I assume class definition includes the function that you are defining
something like
class new_class
    int a;

     a = 10;

is a class definition ?

Please let me know if my understanding is incorrect ?

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