Re: Exception handling the right way

"Chris M. Thomasson" <no@spam.invalid>
Tue, 9 Sep 2008 02:12:16 -0700
"Chris M. Thomasson" <no@spam.invalid> wrote in message

"Bart Friederichs" <> wrote in message

anon wrote:

I like this explanation:

Thanks for the pointers, and I started a little experimenting. Soon I
ran into this problem:

int main () {
A *a; B *b; C *c;
 try {
    a = new A();
    b = new B();
    c = new C();
   } catch (...) {
     delete a;
     delete b;
     delete c;

 return 0;

there are some errors here... Simple fix:

int main() {
 A* a = NULL;
 B* b = NULL;
 C* c = NULL;
 try {
   a = new A;
   b = new B;
   c = new C;
 } catch(...) {
   delete a;
   delete b;
   delete c;
 return 0;

Ummm... Well, I forgot to destroy the pointers in the case of no
exception!!! You could do this:

int main() {
  A* a = NULL;
  B* b = NULL;
  C* c = NULL;
  try {
    a = new A;
    b = new B;
    c = new C;
  } catch(...) {
  delete a;
  delete b;
  delete c;
  return 0;

Man, that looks like total crap when compared to the version which makes use
of smart pointers...



or, even better:

int main() {
 std::auto_ptr<A> a(new A);
 std::auto_ptr<B> b(new B);
 std::auto_ptr<C> c(new C);
 return 0;

Which results in a runtime error when B's contructor throws an
exception. How to correctly free resources on the heap in exception

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