Re: Efficient insertion in a std::multimap
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Barry writes:
On 22 Aug, 20:43, Sam <> wrote:
Store pointers, instead of the actual objects. Of course, that creates =
whole bunch of other issues.
< 1KVisaH=C3=A4mta
Thanks for the reply. How might I use pointers to do this since I wish
to store many MyObject objects within a Phase Object? If I were to use
pointers, then I would do something like this -
MyObject* myObject = new MyObject();
std::pair<double,Note*> pair(0.0,myObject);
insert (pair);
But I will be storing a whole bunch of MyObject objects within a Phase
object, so I'm still going to need to keep track of them in order to
delete them in Phase's destructor. But how would I keep track of them?
Of course. As I said, "that creates a whole bunch of other issues".
Specifically, you will need to figure out exactly how and when you're goi=
to allocate your objects from the heap, and how and when you're going to
delete them. The correct solution, of course, depends very closely on you=
application and how it is designed.
If the only place in your application that holds pointers to your allocat=
objects is this map, then it makes sense for you to have a suitable
destructor that deletes all the objects that remain in the map upon its
destruction. But, if other parts of your application might also be holdin=
pointers to your objects after the map gets destroyed, and if they expect =
use them, then you will need to come up with some other strategy, obvious=
You are the only one who can know the correct answer to your question.
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