Re: I'm a newbie. Is this code ugly?

"io_x" <a@b.c.invalid>
Thu, 21 Jan 2010 08:24:53 +0100
"Richard Herring" <junk@[]> ha scritto nel messaggio

In message <4b57269b$0$1132$>, io_x
<a@b.c.invalid> trolled

"Richard Herring" <junk@[]> ha scritto nel messaggio

In message <4b56d0c2$0$828$>, io_x

"gert" <> ha scritto nel messaggio

I'm using a class which can sinksort an array of it's own objects and
an example T class, which can have names and stuff...
I was in doubt about what to do about nearly any line, so I would love
any of your recommendations...

what about this?


This code works, after a fashion, because those strings are all literals.
would happen if you were reading values from a file?

no problem, i make local copy

Still horrible.

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define R return

Using macros to represent language keywords is inexcusable obfuscation. Are
you J*ff R*lf?

using namespace std;

char* faiMemCopia(char* v)

Why are you (badly) reinventing strcpy() ?

{int i, n;
char *p;
if(v==0) R 0;
if(n<=0) R 0;

Why? There's nothing intrinsically wrong with a zero-length string.

yes here i would say "if(n<0) R 0;"

p=(char*) malloc(n+1);
if(p==0) R 0;
for(i=0; i<n; ++i)
R p;

class T{
char *num_, *surname_;
char *key_;

T(){num_=0; surname_=0; key_=0;}

int alloca(char *num, char *key, char *surname)

This sets up the class invariant. Put it in a constructor.

here i have one array of T* ;
the problem is always the same:
i have a class Y
Y *p;
p is class pointer
than i want build for p the Y class
than i don't know how use constructor-destructor for Y for that object

what i can do is
p=(Y*) malloc(sizeof(Y));
for deallocate it

in the few i understand i can use constructor-destructor
if the language allow that for use with the type Y* (other than Y)

{num_=0; surname_=0; key_=0;
 if(num_==0) return 0;
       free(num_); num_=0;
       R 0;
 if(key_==0){free(surname_); surname_=0;
             goto la0;

Nice spaghetti.

 R 1;

void Tfree(void)
{free(num_); free(key_); free(surname_);
 num_=0; surname_=0; key_=0;

This releases resources. Put it in a destructor.


class ArrArrT{
T** v;
int n;
int sz;

 ArrArrT(){v=0; n=0; sz=0;}

 int add(char *num, char *key, char *surname)
 {if(sz<=n){T **p;
            p=(T**)realloc(v, (n+128)*sizeof(T*));
            if(p==0) R 0;

Still no explanation for those magic 128s.

it realloc the array of poiters always more,
[it is possible write code for reduce it too]
for me 128 is a nice number

            v =p;
  v[n]=(T*) malloc(sizeof(T));
  if(v[n]==0) R 0;
  if( v[n]->alloca(num, key, surname)==0)
               R 0;
  R 1;

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