Re: I'm a newbie. Is this code ugly?

"io_x" <a@b.c.invalid>
Thu, 21 Jan 2010 11:00:39 +0100
"io_x" <a@b.c.invalid> ha scritto nel messaggio

what about use of the template?
yes i write horrible code, but not all the sheepe are white;

Is it possible use the assembly language for write template functions?
i think yes it is enought to pass the sizeof(T) like argument
and all should goes well

if yes template could be all good

how i can use cpm1 in a.sort() function?
do you think there are memory leak? (i don't have here my functions)
thank you

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define R return
using namespace std;

char* faiMemCopia(char* v)
{int i, n;
 char *p;
 if(v==0) R 0;
 if(n<0) R 0;
 p=(char*) malloc(n+1);
 if(p==0) R 0;
 for(i=0; i<n; ++i)
 R p;

class Person{
 char *num_, *surname_;
 char *key_;

 Person(){num_=0; surname_=0; key_=0;}

 int InitializePointer(char *num, char *key, char *surname)
 {num_=0; surname_=0; key_=0;
  if(num_==0) return 0;
        free(num_); num_=0;
        R 0;
  if(key_==0){free(surname_); surname_=0;
              goto la0;
  R 1;

 Person(char *num, char *key, char *surname)
 {if( this->InitializePointer(num, key, surname) ==0)
       {cerr << "Need more memory\n"; exit(0);}

 Person(Person& a)
  {if( this->InitializePointer(a.num_, a.key_, a.surname_) ==0)
       {cerr << "Need more memory\n"; exit(0);}

void FreePointer(void)
  {free(num_); free(key_); free(surname_);
   num_=0; surname_=0; key_=0;


Person& operator=(Person& r)
    {free(num_); free(key_); free(surname_);
     if(this->InitializePointer(r.num_, r.key_, r.surname_)==0)
         {cerr << "Need more memory\n"; exit(0);}
 R *this;

int cmp1(Person& a, Person& b){R strcmp(a.key_,b.key_);}


template <class T> class RosList{
T** v;
int n;
int sz;

  RosList(){v=0; n=0; sz=0;}

  int add(T& a)
  {if(sz<=n){T **p;
             p=(T**)realloc(v, (n+128)*sizeof(T*));
             if(p==0) R 0;
             v =p;
   v[n]=(T*) malloc(sizeof(T));
   if(v[n]==0) R 0;
   *(v[n])=a; ++n;
   R 1;

void sort(int (*cmp)(T& a, T& b))
{int i, hit=1, len=n;
 T *temp;

      for(i=0; i<len; ++i)
        if(cmp( *(v[i]), *(v[i+1]) )>0)
            {temp=v[i]; v[i]=v[i+1]; v[i+1]=temp; hit=1;}

 ~RosList(){int i=n;
            for(--i; i>=0; --i)

 T& operator[](int i)
 {static T no;
    {cout << "\n\aIndice fuori dei limiti\n"; R no;}
  R *(v[i]);


int cmp(Person& a, Person& b){R strcmp(a.key_,b.key_);}

int main(void)
{int i;
 RosList<Person> a;
 if(i==0) {cout << "Memory error\n"; R 0;}

 for(i=0; i<a.n; ++i)
    cout <<a.v[i]->surname_<<"\t"<<a.v[i]->key_<<"\n";

 for(i=0; i<a.n; ++i)
    cout <<a[i].surname_<<"\t"<<a[i].key_<<"\n";

 R 0;

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