Re: How do I run Form2, from Form1 ?

=?Utf-8?B?S2VpdGg=?= <>
Tue, 27 Apr 2010 19:12:01 -0700
Thank you for your comments and thank you for continuing to help.
I built this application to try to learn more about C++ so, least for me,
it???s become a bit of an interesting quest that???s telling me a lot about how
C++ works.

Over in Form2.h??? I have the following code???

namespace Test_Forms_Application {

    /// <summary>
    /// Summary for Form2
    /// the machine-generated warning text is here???
/// </summary>

    public ref class Form2 : public System::Windows::Forms::Form

        . . . etc???

The same text is in Form1.h where one of the lines is ???

namespace Test_Forms_Application {

    with code for Form1 below that.

So I tried both of the following code items in the
Onclick method for the button in

private: System::Void button3_Click(System::Object^ sender,
System::EventArgs^ e) {

        // test code A
        using Test_Forms_Application;
        Form2^ pForm2 = gcnew Form2();
        pForm2->ShowDialog(); // show modal

// or???

        // test code B
Test_Forms_Application::Form2^ pForm2 = gcnew Form2();
        pForm2->ShowDialog(); // show modal


Now the errors are as follows???

// error for test code A
error C2873: 'Test_Forms_Application' : symbol cannot be used in a

// error for test code B
error C2039: 'Form2' : is not a member of 'Test_Forms_Application'

and that just doesn???t make sense, so I???ve clearly made some other error
somewhere. When I click on menu shoices ??? ???project???, and then, ???show all
files??? I see tabs in the workspace that show both Form1.h and form2.h. Is it
possible that somehow Form2 is not part of the project and I???m clearly not
seeing it?


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