Re: delete[] p or delete[] *p
"?? Tiib" <> wrote in message
On Mar 27, 7:34 am, "Paul" <> wrote:
Suppose I have the following code:
int (*p)[5] = (int (*)[5])new int[5];
How do I delete the allocated memory?
Is it:
a) delete[] p;
b) delete[] *p;
c) delete[] (int*)p;
?? Any ideas??
I think that c) but why you reinterpret_cast at first place?
To convert the dynamic array into an array object type, that would decay
into a pointer that carried size information, for example:
template<typename T, int S, typename U= T (&)[S]>
class R{
R():pp((int (*)[S])new int[S+1]), r(*(pp+1)){r[-1]=S;}
U getArray(){return r;}
void delete_it(){ delete[] (int*)pp; }
int (*pp)[S];
T (&r)[S];
template<typename T>
void foo(T r){
std::cout<<"size of array:\t" << r[-1];
std::cout<< "\ntype of array:\t" << typeid(T).name();
int main() {
R<int, 7> r;
int (&r1)[7] = r.getArray();
std::cout<<"\ntype of r1:\t"<< typeid(r1).name();
I start to wonder do you ever use raw dynamic arrays and if then why
do you use them? I don't. In C code I do but there are allocated with
malloc() and deallocated with free(). Usage of "delete[]" itself
usually indicates that some novice in team has copy-pasted something
cheesy from google or from a book into our code base.
OFC dynamic arrays are very usefull , especially if creating a specialised
In C++ it is often clear how a particular container of T's should be
used (as stack or as set or as queue or as vector). Sometimes it is
unclear. I usually take std::vector<T> first when it is unsure how
container will be used. Later it settles and usually it remains as
such for ages after.
std::vector is not always the best solution for use within specialised class
designs. I don't see std::vector as a replacement for dynamic arrays, its a
good quick and easy solution if you need a basic resizeable vector with safe
some built in safety.
Sometimes very rarely it later becomes apparent that a container
causes performance or maintainability issues related to nature or
usage of it. Then i revisit what exact underlying container type is
used. Refactoring vector into some other container may make sense at
that spot.
I think in C++ we have the power to create a wide variety of specialised
types, data records etc. I don't like to think that there is a certain
limited amount of types, defined by the std lib , that we should use.
The chosen type depends on what is done with container and what is not
done with it. There are so lot of somewhat similar to vector
containers to choose. boost::array<T>, boost::scoped_array<T>,
std::map<int,T>, std::list<T>, boost::intrusive::slist<T> and so on.
Basically ... just describe exact nature and usage of container and no
doubt that there is very close template available and free to use.
Vector may become even raw static array, but i see no reasons to use
raw dynamic array in C++.
I prefer to design my own type for a spefic need, if there is a something
suitable in the std lib then great I will use it. but often they are just
not perfectly suited to the job.
Raw static arrays i use for static tables. Sometimes initial
requirements described some "list" of information and vector was
chosen and later it did appear that it is actually static table of
information. There is so elegant (IMHO) syntax for initializing static
arrays in C so it is lot better to maintain. Like i understand C++0x
will allow using such syntax for initializing other containers as
You are probably basing your views on personal experience as many of us do.
One of the major attractions to C++ , for me , is the ability to easily
create specialised types whereas assembly its a bit more complex, I like to
use this feature of the language often , and I get much satisfaction from
doing so.
As you may have guessed I am no big fan of the std lib, I do like some of
the template features but generally I don't bother with it unless it suits
the job perfectly.
AFAIK boost multi-array, and I don't think this is part of the std lib, is
the closest thing to my needs and its a bit overkill tbh.
Also learning about different ways of allocating memory is usefull for
learning purposes and enhances your programming skills, sometimes I prefer
to invoke the OS's API directly for memory allocation simply to become more
familiar with the API.