Re: delete[] p or delete[] *p
Paul wrote:
"?? Tiib" <> wrote in message
On Mar 27, 7:34 am, "Paul" <> wrote:
Suppose I have the following code:
int (*p)[5] = (int (*)[5])new int[5];
How do I delete the allocated memory?
Is it:
a) delete[] p;
b) delete[] *p;
c) delete[] (int*)p;
?? Any ideas??
I think that c) but why you reinterpret_cast at first place?
To convert the dynamic array into an array object type, that would decay
into a pointer that carried size information, for example:
template<typename T, int S, typename U= T (&)[S]>
class R{
R():pp((int (*)[S])new int[S+1]), r(*(pp+1)){r[-1]=S;}
U getArray(){return r;}
void delete_it(){ delete[] (int*)pp; }
int (*pp)[S];
T (&r)[S];
template<typename T>
void foo(T r){
std::cout<<"size of array:\t" << r[-1];
std::cout<< "\ntype of array:\t" << typeid(T).name();
int main() {
R<int, 7> r;
int (&r1)[7] = r.getArray();
std::cout<<"\ntype of r1:\t"<< typeid(r1).name();
The above seems to be rather roundabout. Also, the templates indicate a
generality that is not really there: if you try to instantiate R<long,7> the
code will not compile. Furthermore, I do not understand why you would want
to store size information within the array when it is available through the
type system: after all, the array size is passed as a template parameter
whence it must be a compile time constant. Finally, the casting could invoke
undefined behavior as soon as you access array elements (any use other than
casting back is undefined, I think).
For comparison look at the free functions new_it<> and delete_it<>. To me,
it seems, that they do the same as the above class R<> except that the size
is not required to be a compile time constant. (Also, now the templates work
for types T!=int.)
#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
#include <typeinfo>
template<typename T, int S, typename U= T (&)[S]>
class R{
R():pp((int (*)[S])new int[S+1]), r(*(pp+1)){r[-1]=S;}
U getArray(){return r;}
void delete_it(){ delete[] (int*)pp; }
int (*pp)[S];
T (&r)[S];
template < typename IntegerType >
IntegerType * new_it ( int size ) {
IntegerType * ptr = new IntegerType [size+1];
ptr[0] = size;
return ( ptr+1 );
template < typename IntegerType >
void delete_it ( IntegerType * ptr ) {
delete ( ptr-1 );
template<typename T>
void foo(T r){
std::cout<<"size of array:\t" << r[-1];
std::cout<< "\ntype of array:\t" << typeid(T).name();
int main() {
R<int, 7> r; // try R<long,7> here.
int (&r1)[7] = r.getArray();
std::cout<<"\ntype of r1:\t"<< typeid(r1).name();
std::cout << "\n";
int * ptr = new_it<int>(7); // try long * ptr = new_it<long>(7) here;
delete_it( ptr );
std::cout << "\n";
Kai-Uwe Bux