Re: noob question - destructors - freeing memory...

someone <>
Sat, 31 Dec 2011 05:37:56 +0100
On 12/31/2011 04:50 AM, Garrett Hartshaw wrote:

On Sat, 31 Dec 2011 02:43:28 +0100, someone <> wrote:


Please advice, thank you!

A statically constructed object will be destroyed when the scope is left.

e.g destructors will be called in:
int main()
Derived d;
return 0;

Ah, stupid me. I thought I had tried the above, and that it didn't work
- thank you very much. My mistake, maybe also in reply to MikeWhy...

A dynamically constructed object (created using new) is destroyed when
delete is called.

e.g destructors called in this:
int main()
Base * b = new Derived();
delete b;
return 0;

but not this:
int main()
Base * b = new Derived();
return 0;

Yes, this is clear now, the static thing was a brain-something that hit

When exit(int) is called, the program is terminated *without unwinding
the stack* so no destructors are called.

Yes, clear.

When a execption is thrown and not caught, the program is terminated
*with stack unwinding*, so static objects are destroyed.

Aah, only static objects... DAMN...

Note: int main()
Base * b = new Derived();
throw std::exception();
delete b;
return 0;

In the above, the delete expression is never reached, so destructors are
not called.

That is a big problem/issue in my program, I think...

So if I allocate memory in my constructor, and I never call the
destructor and I keep running and exiting, running and exiting the
program, then I end up using all my memory because I never free'd it?

If this is an issue, a smart pointer (boost::shared_ptr,
boost::scoped_ptr, etc:) should be used.

Ooh, damn...

I hoped, I could avoid having to learn something new and timeconsuming
like boost...

Isn't there an easier solution without including more libraries?

Thank you very much, by the way!

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