Re: c++ code -- error

"Jim Langston" <>
Wed, 26 Apr 2006 17:32:49 -0700
"Ciur Eugen" <> wrote in message

HI !

Could somebody help me in finding error in the following code ?

int ** t; // a table of pointers to int, t[i], is a pointer to int
int i;

t = new int*[10]; // memory allocation
for( i=0 ; i < 10; i++ )
t[i] = new int(); // memory allocation
for( i=0 ; i < 10; i++ )
printf("%d\n",t[i]); // shows some random data. Its ok !

This is actually not random data, it is the pointers expressed as integers.


for( i=0 ; i < 10; i++ ) // as far as I know *t[i] - is data to what
t[i] points
{ // so *t[i] = 202, copy that number in t[i] location
*t[i] = 202 ; // so now,*t[i] contains number 202

Right, the contents of the pointer t[i] now contains the value 202.


for( i=0 ; i < 10; i++ )
printf("%d\n",t[i]); // what ?? AGAIN GARBAGE!!! WHERE IS NUMBER 202

t[i] is the pointer, remember? If you want to see the value you have to
look at the contents. simply change t[i] to *t[i]


for( i=0 ; i < 10; i++ )
delete t[i] ; // free memory up

delete t; // free memory up

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