C++ VC ATL STL Memory Experts
Articles: 1043 Generated on: Sun, 19 Apr 2015
Subject From
Re: __gnu_cxx::hash_set efficient union
Igor Tandetnik
Re: About safearray
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: access modifier in c++
Re: accessing parent class method
Re: Alloc Struct
Re: allocate memory 'inside' POD
Alan Johnson
Re: ambiguous
Re: anything wrong with this code?
Ulrich Eckhardt
Re: auto_ptr<void>
Re: Automatic and Dynamic Storage
Re: basic question on c++ linking
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: better new delete
Re: C++ - Pointer to Structure leads to segfault
peter koch larsen
Re: C++ boxing
Victor Bazarov
Re: c++ casting issues
Nevin :-] Liber
Re: C++ rtti hack
James Kanze
Re: C++14: Papers
Old Wolf
Re: C/C++
Victor Bazarov
Re: CArray
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: Cast to derived class?
Ulrich Eckhardt
Re: char* to std::string
Victor Bazarov
Re: Class Usage
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: Covaraint Parameters
Victor Bazarov
Re: Creating a class
Re: Creating an instance of a class
Re: Data Structure Issue
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: declaration order
Alan Woodland
Decoupling classes
Re: delete an inherited class
James Kanze
Re: delete(this)
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: dependent inheritance?
Victor Bazarov
Re: Design issue
Ulrich Eckhardt
Re: design problem...
Igor Tandetnik
Re: Design question
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: destructing error
Re: destructor of binary tree
Re: Difference between new A and new A()
Re: do decltype and lambda function mix?
Balog Pal
Re: double free
Victor Bazarov
Re: Dynamic Aggregation
Re: Exception in Constructor
James Kanze
Re: exceptions
Re: Exceptions & Constructors
Re: Exceptions and Member Initialization
Re: Explain class method invocation after delete
Scott McPhillips [MVP]
Re: Fast Access of Large Data Set
James Kanze
Re: Find error
James Kanze
Re: Freeing memory
Andrei Alexandrescu
Re: Future of C++
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: Getting an Errror ...
Ulrich Eckhardt
Re: Handling void*
Re: How to do "events"
Re: How to make this exception-safe
Re: how to reuse a copy constructor in an operator = function
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: I'm Shocked
Victor Bazarov
Re: iconv trouble
Re: Implementation of abstract classes
Re: Implicit and Explicit Template Instantiation
Victor Bazarov
Re: Initializers
Alan Johnson
Re: Link List
Re: linker error in singleton implementation
Re: Marshalling auto_ptr/unique_ptr objects
Victor Bazarov
Re: mem_fun error
James Kanze
Re: Memory leak
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: memory leaks
Victor Bazarov
Re: mutual dependency
Re: Need some information about function hiding
Victor Bazarov
Re: new and delete
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: newbie on pointers
Jim Langston
Re: Null pointer from "new" operator.
Re: Object construction...
Andrei Polushin
Re: operator delete
Igor Tandetnik
Re: Operator new
Re: operator overloading for primative types
Re: Overloaded function lookup with const/volatile
Re: Overloading Subscript operator
Re: Passing arrays to C funcions
Re: Passing std::unique_ptr to std::thread's target
Igor Tandetnik
Re: Passing structs....
David Wilkinson
Re: passing this object
Re: placement new
Re: POD initialization
Victor Bazarov
Re: Problem with calloc
Re: question on cout and operator<<
Re: question regarding the shared_ptr use_count
Re: questions about dynamic binding
Re: reference member variable question
Pete Becker
Re: Require Lock?
Re: Runtime optional interface
Victor Bazarov
Re: Saving data
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: Segmentation fault
Re: shared_ptr from auto_ptr in draft
James Kanze
Re: singleton
Re: something unclear about "sizeof()" and "free()"
James Kanze
Re: static_cast
Re: std::auto_ptr as exception object
Re: std::map question
Victor Bazarov
Re: std::sort
Richard Herring
Re: std::vector help!!
Re: STL (boost) and copies of iterator
Re: stl <vector> clear and erase.
Re: Template argument deduction
Victor Bazarov
Re: Template question
Re: template<> compile error
Jim Langston
Re: this
Re: Thread safety
Re: thread-safe new and delete
Re: try block in constructor initialization
Re: Type "assurance" of derived classes
Scot T Brennecke
Re: vasam
Igor Tandetnik
Re: vector of structs?
Alberto Ganesh Barbati
Re: Virtual Ctor Idiom and auto_ptr
Victor Bazarov
Re: virtual+static
Alberto Ganesh Barbati
Re: weird delete operator behaviour
Re: What does null mean?
James Kanze
Re: which pointer
Re: Why '(&b) -> f() ' is static binding?
Alberto Ganesh Barbati
Re: Why can't 'vptr' be static?
Victor Bazarov
Re: Why use new?
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