Re: Me again with same problem.

"Alf P. Steinbach" <>
Mon, 29 May 2006 02:56:06 +0200
* JoeC:

Sorry, I got fustrated and careless in my attempts to make this work.

I made some changes that should work but my program crashes.

class player{
  string name;
  void create();

    BYTE data(const int);
    void dummy(){MessageBox(NULL, "Dummy" , "Notice", MB_OK); }

BYTE player::data(const int n){return gData[n];}

class space{

  player * play;

graphic& space::graphicOut(){

      for(int lp = 0; lp != 32; lp++){
     cgr = new graphic(t);
     return *cgr;
     //if(play){return *cgr;}
     if(seen){return *gr;}
        else {return *grDefault;}

What I am trying to do is read the vector from my player into a new
vector in my graphicOut function. My problem is my program keeps
crashing when I try to get data from my player object.

There are many possible technical reasons, including (1) 'play' is a
bogus pointer, (2) play->gData doesn't currently hold 32 items or more,
(3) the 'graphic' constructor fails.

Starting with (1), your original post indicated that class 'space' does
not have any constructor defined by you (although as shown in that post
the class would have all members private and be unusable, so it could
not be real code: please consult the FAQ about how to post examples).
The default constructor supplied by the compiler doesn't initialize the
non-class type members, and all your members are non-class type. Thus,
the probability of a bogus 'play' pointer is quite high.

To reduce the probability of that sort of thing happening, make all the
class data members private, if they aren't already, and make sure to
initialize them all in every constructor you define. Also keep in mind
that when you have pointer members, you need to either use
smart-pointers or take manually charge of copying or disable copying.
The simplest is to disable copying: declare a private copy constructor
and a private assignment operator, and simply don't define them.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is it such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?

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