Re: passing const char* to the string&

Rolf Magnus <>
Wed, 21 Mar 2007 00:06:01 +0100
ragged_hippy wrote:


If I have a method that has string reference as a parameter, what
happens if I pass a const char* variable to this method?


One thought is that a temporary string will be created in the stack
and the parameter will refer to this object. Is this correct?

If the reference refers to a const std::string, yes. Otherwise, you should
get a compile error, because binding a non-const reference to a temporary
is forbidden.

Does this mean if a constructor of a class has a string reference
parameter, the temporary string that is created in the stack is
destroyed after the contruction of the object is complete?


** Example**
class x {
    x(std::string& name);

Change that to:

     x(const std::string& name);


void main()

Change that to:

int main()

    const char* const text = "Name";
    x newObject(name);

Can anyone help me understand what happens during and after the
newObject is created?

Well, before newObject is created, a temporary std::string is created and
filled with "Name". This string lives while the constructor of newObject is
running and is destroyed immediately afterwards.

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