Re: static vector of pointers

James Kanze <>
21 Apr 2007 02:35:05 -0700
On Apr 21, 2:09 am, Jia <> wrote:

On 20 Apr, 22:12, mlimber <> wrote:

On Apr 20, 11:21 am, Jia <> wrote:

Hi all,

I have a class foo which has a static vector of pointers of type base
class, and a static function to set this vector.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class super{
        int a;
        virtual void printOut(){ cout << "super " << endl;}


class subA : public super{
        int a_a;
        virtual void printOut(){ cout << "subA" << endl;}


class subB : public super{
    int a_b;
        virtual void printOut(){cout << "subB" << endl;}


class foo {
  static std::vector<super*> myList;
  static std::vector<static subA> templist;
  static int count;
  static void setMyList();
  static vector<super*> getMyList();


std::vector<subA> foo::templist;
int foo:: count = 0;
void foo::setMyList(){
  subA mysubA;
  cout<< count << " time call setMyList" << endl;


vector<super*> foo::getMyList()
  return myList;




  vector<super*> newList;
  newList = foo::getMyList();

What I really try to achieve is to set the myList to a vector of
pointers of super type, but actually points to the derived class
objects. I use a static vector of subA to store the sub object, so
that I could use its address to initilize myList( I know this is very
ugly, but I haven't figure out other method). But my problem is that
myList is not properly set as I expected. For example, as above
program will crush as try to execute newList[0]->printOut(). I
figured out that everytime templist calls push_back, its address has
been changed ( the first time is 0x0033c10, and second time after
push_back is called, its address has been changed) so that myList
first pointer points to nowhere, but I have already defined the
templist as static. Can anyone explain this to me? I hope I explain
myself clearly.

Apparently my previous response didn't go through or has been delayed.
The fundamental problem is that templist is being resized by the
push_back, which invalidates all pointers and iterators. Try this
 #include <iostream>
 #include <vector>
 using namespace std;

 struct super
   virtual ~super() {}
   virtual void printOut()
   { cout << "super\n";}

 struct subA : super
   virtual void printOut()
   { cout << "subA\n"; }

 class foo
   vector<super*> myList;
     for( size_t n=0; n < myList.size(); ++n )
       delete myList[n];

   void setMyList()
     myList.push_back( new subA );
     cout<< "called setMyList" << endl;

   vector<super*> getMyList() const
       return myList;

 int main()
   foo f;

   const vector<super*> newList = f.getMyList();
   for( size_t n=0; n < newList.size(); ++n )

Cheers! --M

Thanks a lot. Your program makes much more sense than mine. Just want
to ask you a further question(sorrry if it is stupid). Does resize
means that everytime calls push_back(), the first address of memory
will change (not just adding the memory on the existing one)?

Many thanks,

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