Re: Alexandrescu MC++D: SmallObjAllocator problem
* Alf P. Steinbach:
> The old copy of Loki that I have includes, in SmallObject, the comment
// The typedef below would make things much simpler,
// but MWCW won't like it
// typedef SingletonHolder<MySmallObjAllocator/*, CreateStatic,
// DefaultLifetime, ThreadingModel*/> MyAllocator;
and instead uses
struct MySmallObjAllocator : public SmallObjAllocator
: SmallObjAllocator(chunkSize, maxSmallObjectSize)
Correction. It doesn't use a typedef or derived class at all, but
specifies the instantiation directly in the calls, like
return SingletonHolder<MySmallObjAllocator, CreateStatic,
That's so ugly that it didn't occur to me that it could be, so I misread
the code.
Happily this is very old code; no doubt current compilers can handle a
typedef with no problem.
- Alf
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