Re: questions about dynamic binding

James Kanze <>
12 May 2007 14:22:03 -0700
Gianni Mariani wrote:

On May 12, 11:03 pm, James Kanze <> wrote:

On May 12, 12:13 pm, Jess <> wrote:


The classical solution here is to provide a clone function in
the base class, i.e.:

    class A
        A* clone() const
            A* result = doClone() ;
            assert( typeid( *result ) == typeid( *this ) ) ;
            return result ;

        virtual A* doClone() const
            // Except that usually, this will be pure virtual.
            // It's fairly rare to have virtual functions in a
            // base class which aren't pure virtual.
            return new A( *this ) ;
    } ;

    class B
        virtual A* doClone() const
            return new B( *this ) ;

If it was not a private method, it may be useful to define clone
methods to return the actual type they create. The compiler handles
upcasting for you if it is called from a base class. This is called a
co-variant return.

        virtual B* doClone() const
            return new B( *this ) ;

I know that the possibility exists, but I have my doubts with
regards to the utility. If for some reason, the interface
specification of B includes this extension, it is relatively
easy to add another public function along the lines of that in
A. With, of course, the same post-condition.

(In practice, I'm not sure just how important the verification
of the post condition is in this case. In the vast majority of
the cases, the virtual clone function can---and in fact
must---be pure in the base class, and there is only one level of
inheritance, so the compiler will not allow you to instantiate a
class which forgets it. And even in the other cases, it's the
sort of thing that tends to be spotted immediately in code
review. But the technique of using a non-virtual public
function to verify pre- and post-conditions and invariants is
generally useful, and worth knowing and practicing.)

James Kanze (Gabi Software) email:
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