Re: Extending Friendship to Nested Template Class Instantiation

=?iso-8859-1?q?Daniel_Kr=FCgler?= <>
Fri, 18 May 2007 10:21:24 CST
On 18 Mai, 02:47, "" <> wrote:

class Container;

class Element {
    friend class Container;


class Container {
    struct Element_arena {
        Element* construct() { return new Element(); }
    Element_arena arena;

    Element* make_inner() { return arena.construct(); }


If we wanted to apply this Container / Element design pattern to many
different application types, it might be nice to capture the arena
functionality in a template class Arena<T> to be reused in the
implementation of many different kinds of containers. However, the
compiler won't extend a Container's friendship privileges to an
internal (i.e., nested within the Container class definition)
instantiation of Arena<T>. In other words, given the following

Scenario #2

template<class T>
class Arena {
    T* construct() { return new T(); }


class Container {
    Arena<Element> arena;
    Element* make_inner() { return arena.construct(); }


Element::Element() is inaccessible to Arena<Element>::construct() even
though Arena<Element> is instantiated within the scope of a
Container. Clearly we wouldn't want arbitrary instantations of
Arena<Element> to have access to an Element's private parts, but it
"seems intuitive" that the compiler could discern Arena<Element>'s
context and allow Scenario#2 above.

I don't think that the compiler should extend friendship
as you whish, because this would totally break the
"access-security" system of C++. Basically you seem to
demand that friendship should be extended to *every type*
that is used as a member of some friend class. This makes
no real sense, because types can be used everywhere (if I
have access to them at this place), so why should we
begin to create a web of friendship-relations to some class,
which often is used as member (or base class?) of some
other class? Please note, that you changed drastically the
situation, by factoring Arena *out* of the container. Arena
just had friend access to Element, because Arena was a
member class (nested class) and not just a member of some
arbitrary type! To create a more reasonable access-right
chain, we start by granting friendship from Element to

class Arena;

class Element {
    friend class Arena<Element>;

template<class T>
class Arena {
   T* construct() { return new T(); }

This has of course the effect, that everyone can
simply create an Element by using an instance of
Arena, because Arena is a public available class.
We can create a workaround for this situation by
adding one further layer of indirection, i.e. by
restricting Arena's access granting of member
construct to only to a dedicated ArenaContainer:

class ArenaContainer;

template<class T>
class Arena {
   friend class ArenaContainer<T>;
   T* construct() { return new T(); }

template<class T>
class ArenaContainer {
   Arena<T> arena;
   T* make_inner() { return arena.construct(); }

Now you need at least a ArenaContainer<Element>
to legally create an Element instance. Several
adaptions are possible: E.g. if you always need
inheritance to specialize ArenaContainer, you
could make make_inner protected (and either
provide a protected d'tor or a virtual one).
Derived classes could then decide to "publish"
make_inner (by means of a using-declaration) or

Greetings from Bremen,

Daniel Kr?gler

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