Re: Guarantee of side-effect free assignment

James Kanze <>
Sun, 7 Oct 2007 13:07:02 CST
On Oct 7, 9:24 am, (James Dennett) wrote:

Alf P. Steinbach wrote:


This, however, while I would like it to be true, while it is what one
intuitively expect, I can find no such guarantee in the standard. It
seems the compiler is free to rewrite

  p = new S();


  p = operator new( sizeof( S ) );
  new( p ) S();

What would grant the compiler freedom to deviate in such an
observable way from the semantics of the abstract machine (in
which, I hope it is clear, the rhs of an assignment is evaluated
before its result -- if there is one -- is assumed to be known).

The lack of any sequence points, and the fact that calling the
constructor is a "side effect"; the "value" of the expression
may be known before it is called.

provided S doesn't define operator new (in which case that one would
have to be used for the allocation, but that's just details).

Scott Meyers and Andrei Alexandrescu have assumed[1] that the above
rewrite can only occur when the compiler can prove that S() doesn't
throw; however, they give no formal justification for this assumption.

I think the regular notions of expression evaluation cover
it; rewriting is allowed to some extent by the "as-if" rule,
but nothing grants license to make such observable changes
to the notion of evaluating an assignment f(a)=g(b). The
assignment can't take place until the result of evaluating
g is known -- and if g throws, then it *has* no result.

In something like:

    j = ++ i ;

there is (intentionally) definitely no requirement that the
change in i's value (a side effect) occur before the assignment
to j. And the C standard was carefully worded to make any code
which could detect the difference undefined behavior. In the
case of operator new, in C++, we have a lot more complex side
effects---the constructor is called---but basically, up to a
point, the same rule applied: there was no way a conforming
program could tell, so it didn't matter. Exceptions change
that. Suppose, in the expression above, the modification to the
value of i *could* trigger an exception. Would you say that we
are guaranteed that j is unmodified if this exception occured?
I don't think so.

The real problem, of course, is that exceptions really require
specifying the order of evaluation much more strictly. Which I
very definitely favor, but which is a road I don't think the
committee wants to take.

James Kanze (GABI Software)
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