Re: Cast to derived class?

Pete Becker <>
Mon, 12 Nov 2007 08:44:10 -0500
On 2007-11-12 03:01:55 -0500, Ian Collins <> said: wrote:

Hi all,

So my question is:
Is it valid C++ to create a basic class and to cast it to a derived
one the way I did in my example below? The example works fine for
MinGW, but I'm not sure if this is ABI dependent.

Example code:


int main() {
Basic *basic = new Basic(2, 4);

Derived *derived = (Derived *)basic;

The fact you had to resort to a C style cast is a strong indicator that
this is a bad idea.

A static_cast would have worked, too.

The only safe way to cast from a Basic* is to use dynamic_cast and for
that to work, the Basic* must point to a Derived.

For a rather restrictive meaning of "safe". If you know that the type
object is Derived (not the case here), and Basic* is not pointing to a
virtual base, static_cast works just fine, and is significantly faster.

Roundhouse Consulting, Ltd. ( Author of "The
Standard C++ Library Extensions: a Tutorial and Reference

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