Re: Passing structs....

"Igor Tandetnik" <>
Sun, 26 Oct 2008 20:30:41 -0400
"Robby" <> wrote in message

void f( int r, int TOUCHES)

y = malloc(sizeof(struct passCode));
y = NULL;

This function, of course, is equivalent to

void f( int r, int TOUCHES) {}

There's a lot of busywork that achieves precisely nothing. I fail to see
the point of the exercise.

Okay, This was hard for me to explain in previous posts because I was
very confused, but lets get some ground rules that I have to go by.

--- Rule #1 ----
I need a function (in this case f();) that contains 3 memory
They are:
a) It must create an object on the heap and imediately assign data to
its elements
b) It must be able to only modify the object's elements !
c) It must be able to free the object.

Does it absolutely have to be just one function? You have three largely
unrelated operations - why not have three functions performing them?
It's not like you are being charged per function or anything.
With best wishes,
    Igor Tandetnik

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