Re: Is it a good practice to call the destructor explicitly and use placement new(this) in assignment operators?

Pete Becker <>
Sun, 13 Dec 2009 14:30:21 -0500
Paavo Helde wrote:

Pete Becker <> wrote in

Paavo Helde wrote:

Michael Tsang <> wrote in

Pete Becker wrote:

No. Think about what happens when someone derives from this class


writes a normal assignment operator.

Sorry I forgot to make my assignment operator virtual. Now consider
the following code:

class Foo {
        // default constructor
        // l-value copy constructor
        Foo(const Foo &);
        // destructor
        virtual ~Foo();
        // assignment operator
        virtual Foo &operator=(const Foo &x) {
                if(this != &x) {
                        new(this) Foo(x);

This slices any derived class object to Foo.

It doesn't even do that. Slicing is well defined:

Foo f = Bar(); // slices the Bar object; f is a valid Foo object

That placement new constructs a Foo object where a Bar object used to
exist, resulting in undefined behavior.

I cannot quite see how this is UB by itself. Consider:

void* p = malloc(sizeof(Bar));
Bar* b = new (p) Bar();
Foo* f = new (p) Foo();

Here also a Foo object is constructed where Bar was. Is this UB too?

That's not inside operator=.

Roundhouse Consulting, Ltd. ( Author of
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