Re: What are the key differences between operator new and operator new[]?

Victor Bazarov <>
Wed, 03 Feb 2010 09:07:40 -0500
xmllmx wrote:

As we know, the C++ standard defines at least four special global
functions as follows:

1) void* operator new(size_t);

2) void* operator new[](size_t);

3) void operator delete(void*);

4) void operator delete[](void*);

In Visual C++, 2) and 4) simply forward their respective call to 1)
and 3). Obviously, 1) and 3) are equivalents respectively to malloc
and free in C. However, when and why should we call 2) and 4)?

*We* should *never* [have to] call them directly. They will be called
when you allocate an array of objects of some class type (if they are
overloaded for that class) or delete[] a pointer.

Though 2) and 4) are not harmful, but I think them rather ugly.
Because I can not find any necessity of them.

Have you ever tried overloading those? Read about custom allocators and
class-wide memory management, and you might find separating those useful.

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