Re: overloading operator delete[](void*, size_t) - possibly incorrect implementation of the language specification in Visual C++?

red floyd <>
Sun, 26 Dec 2010 20:02:31 CST
On Dec 25, 12:04 pm, Dobi <> wrote:

On Dec 22, 3:36 am, Chris Vine <>
wrote:> But does it do it if you don't hand off to global operator

new[]()/delete[]() and instead, say (for test purposes), run the
original poster's test with an allocator which returns a static array?

If it does give the same result then this seems to me to be a definite
non-compliance with the standard, and someone should report the bug.


For testing this I replaced
return ::operator new[]( s );
static int mem[100]; return &mem[0];
and the result is still the same:
delete[]: size_t=4
So i reported it to
and I am looking forward to the answer of the compiler developers.

It looks like the size_t parameter is the size of the object instead
the number of bytes allocated.

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