Re: Explain class method invocation after delete

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Daniel_Kr=FCgler?= <>
Thu, 19 May 2011 07:51:00 CST
Am 18.05.2011 23:25, schrieb UConnFan:

If you have this:

Class Test {public: void foo() { cout<< "foo()"<< endl; }

Test *ptr = new Test();
delete ptr;
ptr->foo(); /// invoke method on deleted object

1. Why does this ptr->foo() still work?

There is no universally correct answer to that question, because the
behaviour of the code is undefined.

2. How are class non-static methods implemented ?

Differently ;-) but some implementations realize non-virtual member
functions as normal function with one additional (hidden) function
parameter (usually the first one) that has the type of a pointer to the
class type (Test* in your example). In such implementations, this
argument is not actually dereferenced in the third line and so the code
might "work" (which is a valid manifestation of undefined behaviour).
But several implementations may simply abort, especially if some pointer
values can raise special hardware "exceptions".

To emphasize this: You should not rely on this behaviour!

HTH & Greetings from Bremen,

Daniel Kr?gler

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