Re: mysterious destructors

From: (Stefan Ram)
19 Feb 2015 04:04:47 GMT
Paavo Helde <> writes:

You can have an example with 2 instances (of class c) and no memory leaks
as well:
#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
#include <memory>
struct c
{ int v;
 c( int const x ): v( x )
 { ::std::cout << "constructor of instance #" << v << ".\n"; }
 ~c(){ ::std::cout << "destructor of instance #" << v << ".\n"; }
 void print(){ ::std::cout << "I am instance #" << v << ".\n"; }};
int main()
{ std::unique_ptr<c> o(new c( 1 ));
   o = std::unique_ptr<c>(new c( 2 )); /* overwrite */
   o->print(); }

  Actually, I wanted to observe how C++ interprets an example
  someone posted into the C newsgroup recently. Here is my
  attempt of a translation into C++:

#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
#include <memory>

struct c /* this struct is as above (as before) */
{ int v;
  c( int const x ): v( x )
  { ::std::cout << "constructor of instance #" << v << ".\n"; }
  ~c(){ ::std::cout << "destructor of instance #" << v << ".\n"; }
  void print(){ ::std::cout << "I am instance #" << v << ".\n"; }};

::std::unique_ptr< c >f( ::std::unique_ptr< c >* p )
{ *p = ::std::make_unique< c >( 2 ); /* <- sequence point! (semicolon) */
  return ::std::make_unique< c >( 1 ); }

int main()
{ ::std::unique_ptr< c >o( f( &o )); o->print(); }

  Does this program violate any rule of C++?

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