Re: when delete do not call destructor

S S <>
Thu, 5 Mar 2009 10:23:24 -0800 (PST)
On Mar 5, 11:15 pm, "Bo Persson" <> wrote:

S S wrote:

On Mar 5, 9:38 pm, (blargg) wrote:

SG wrote:

On 5 Mrz., 16:06, S S <> wrote:

I cannotwrite full code as it is 20000 lines kind of copywrite

Nobody would like to see those 20000 lines anyways. Victor said
"Please post
real code.". He wanted to see a small program that is compilable
or at least supposed to compile.

class A{
void *operator new(size_t, void *p) {return(p);}

void *operator new(size_t n) throw(std::bad_alloc)
{ My_allocation_routine(&someInternalVar, n);}

void operatordelete(void* p, size_t n)
{My_deallocation_routine(p, n);}
~A() {}


This isnot"real code". It lacks #include directives, contains
".." which doesn't parse, and misses a definition of

What, your C++ compiler doesn't support the new C++0x ".."
directive, which has it read the mind of the poster and fill in
the blanks?

Seriously, to post "real code" would require spending some "real
time" (about 3 minutes) putting together a stand-alone code sample
that demonstrates the problem. The time spent putting that
together might even lead to a solution without having to post
anything here.

I will offer one bit of help: debuggers often have limitations
about what can be stopped at. Best way to find out if that's the
cause of the missed breakpoint is to write a separate code example
to see if that's the case. As usual, remove everything that
doesn't make the problem go away. My guess is that your debugger
can't breakpoint on inline functions, at leastnotwithout some
special compiler option.

The same code is working for all other objects, and with small piece
of code I amnotable to replicate it. It's kind of weird issue and
I don't know whydestructorisnotcalled whendeleteis asked.

If you can't replicate the problem in a smaller piece of code, the
problem is very often somewhere else than in that small piece of code.
For example some memory overwrite that damages the heap long before
you reach thedeletestatement.

Bo Persson

If I remove this delete statement and allow some memory leak, there is
no issue and application runs very fine. Purify doesn't say anything.
It's mysterious!

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