Re: Exception class with shift operator

Alberto Ganesh Barbati <>
Tue, 8 Jan 2008 08:21:05 CST
<cpygj.212226$> <>
eca ha scritto:


I would like to use a shift operator for storing information
associated to an exception, as follows:

#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>

void foo()
  double x = 0.0;
  unsigned long u = 1;
  std::string s("Runtime error detected in ");

  // What I would like to do:
  throw std::runtime_error() << s << __FUNCTION__ << ":"
                             << " The value of x is " << x
                             << " and the value of u is " << u;

My trivial solution would be creating and using a class like the
instead of std::runtime_error:

#include <exception>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

namespace ext
  class runtime_error : public std::exception
    runtime_error() : my_ss() {}
    explicit runtime_error(const std::string& arg) : my_ss(arg) {}
    runtime_error(const runtime_error& e) : my_ss(e.what()) {}
    runtime_error& operator=(const runtime_error& e)
      std::string s(e.what());
      my_ss << s;
      return *this;

    virtual ~runtime_error() throw() {}

    virtual const char* what() const throw()
    { return my_ss.str().c_str(); }

    template <typename T> runtime_error& operator<<(const T& v)
    { my_ss << v; return *this; }

    std::stringstream my_ss;

} // namespace ext

Can you see problems related to this class and its usage for the
purpose mentioned above?

It won't work because any exception class needs to be copy constructible
(?15.1/5), but yours class isn't copy constructible because of the
std::stringstream member.

How can I make it better or, are there other possible solutions?

Have a look at Boost.Exception:



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