Re: New release of the Dynace OO extension to C

ld <>
Wed, 15 Jul 2009 09:18:37 -0700 (PDT)
On 15 juil, 17:06, Juha Nieminen <nos...@thanks.invalid> wrote:

fft1976 wrote:

But OOP can be done in C.

  I think that's debatable.

  You can simulate object-oriented programming in C to an extent, but
since the language has basically no support, it will inevitably be
rather "hacky" and complicated.


  The gtk+ library for C is a good example of a C library which
extensively uses OO techniques.

This is the worst example I know. Heavy, slow, odd.

However, the resulting code is
necessarily uglier and less efficient than the equivalent C++ code would
be. (For example, when using gtk+, every single pointer cast from one
type to another, even when it's from a derived object type to a base
object type, is done dynamically at runtime, with runtime checks.)

This is related to gtk+, not OOP in C.

Generic programming on the other hand ...

Good luck using macros for that! It's "possible", but my many
inquiries into whether there is a macros-based STL analog in the C
world turned up nothing.

  There are many things doable with templates which are impossible to d=


in C with precompiler macros.

Do you _really_ know what is doable with C macros?

A very trivial example:

template<typename T>
void foo(T value)
    std::cout << "The value is: " << T << std::endl;}


  A slightly more complicated example:

template<typename T>
void foo()
    std::cout << "The specified type is"
              << (std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer ? "" :=

 " not")

              << " an integral type.\nThe maximum value whi=

ch can "

              << "be represented by it is: "
              << std::numeric_limit<T>::max() << std::endl;=



Polymorphism can replace template here and hence be done in C. A C++
MTP example would be better to show something not possible in C at
compile time. But this not OOP.

a+, ld.

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