Re: binding a member function with an argument of reference type

Triple-DES <>
Sun, 18 Oct 2009 23:23:16 -0700 (PDT)
On 17 Okt, 17:29, Maxim Yegorushkin <>

On 16/10/09 14:24, Triple-DES wrote:

Submitted for your consideration:


struct C { void f(const int&) {} };

template<typename F>
void call(F f)
int main()
   using namespace std;
   C c;
   call ( bind1st(mem_fun(&C::f),&c) );

This seemingly fails on most implementations because the library
attempts to form a reference to a reference. Is it possible to bind
this function using only the C++03 standard library utilities?

Only if you don't use reference arguments.

Use boost::bind(). It does not have this problem:

   call(boost::bind(&C::f, &c, _1));

Thanks Maxim. Unfortunately, the Boost licensing scheme is
unacceptable for our application. I ended up writing my own wrapper
function object. That's roughly 15 lines of (potentially buggy) code,
that I am only going to use for this very specific task. Not an ideal

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