Occurence problem: different ideas

"utab" <umut.tabak@gmail.com>
7 May 2006 10:42:48 -0700
Dear all,

I tried to solve the occurence problem: to find the distinct occurences
of a word in an input. I know that I could use map and other STD lib
functions. I tried to do it the hard way. I tried sth and it is working
but I could not structure my algorithm very well so I had to add some
more lines after thinking it on a paper draft. I am posting the whole
code and waiting different ideas.
First I sorted them with the sort function, after that they are in
nondecreasing order(and also grouped by this way) and then I have
counted the number of items in these groups by checking whether I am at
the end or not

      1 #include <iostream>
      2 #include <algorithm>
      3 #include <string>
      4 #include <vector>
      5 int main(){
      7 std::string x;
      8 std::vector<std::string> input;
      9 std::vector<std::string> sorted_input;
     10 std::vector<std::string> words;
     11 std::vector<int> counts;
     12 std::vector<std::string>::size_type vec_sz;
     13 int count=1;
     16 while(std::cin >> x)
     17 input.push_back(x);
     19 sort(input.begin(),input.end());
     21 std::string test=input[0];
     23 vec_sz=input.size();
     25 for(int i=0;i!=vec_sz;++i)
     26 std::cout << input[i] << std::endl;
     29 for(int k=1;k!=vec_sz;++k){
     31 if(input[k]==test){
     32 ++count;
     33 if(k==vec_sz-1){
     34 words.push_back(test);
     35 counts.push_back(count);
     36 }
     37 }
     38 else{
     39 words.push_back(test);
     40 counts.push_back(count);
     41 test=input[k];
     42 count=1;
     43 if(k==vec_sz-1){
     44 words.push_back(test);
     45 counts.push_back(count);
     46 }
     47 }
     48 }
     50 vec_sz=words.size();
     51 std::cout << "WORDS" <<"\t"<<"OCCURENCE#"<<std::endl;
     52 for(int i=0;i!=vec_sz;++i)
     53 std::cout << words[i]<<"\t" << counts[i]<<
     55 return 0;
     57 }

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