Re: Dynamic array advice.

Kai-Uwe Bux <>
Sun, 04 Mar 2007 06:44:54 -0500
red floyd wrote:

Kai-Uwe Bux wrote:

John Harrison wrote:

JoeC wrote:

I am crating a new version of my map game and my map will be a 2d
array. I had problems trying to create a 2d array dynamically, in
fact C++ won't let me do it. My question is how to create the size of
array I need at run time without using too much memory or going over
the allotted size if I choose to use this object for a different

One idea I have is to create space * spaces = new space[len*with];
then have all my accessors just convert x and y to:

void place(int x, int y){spaces[x*len+y;}

You might want to put that into a class with an overloaded operator():

  int & operator( std::size_t row, std::size_t col ) {
    return ( the_data [ col_size * row + col ] );

and you could add a const version too:

  int const & operator( std::size_t row, std::size_t col ) const {
    return ( the_data [ col_size * row + col ] );

You also might make the member the_data a std::vector<int>. In that case,
you would not even have to take care of your own assignment operator,
copy constructor and destructor. E.g:. [code not tested/compiled]

  template <typename T>
  class array2d {

    std::size_t the_row_size;
    std::size_t the_col_size;
    std::vector<T> the_data;


    array2d ( std::size_t r, std::size_t c, T const & val = T() )
      : the_row_size ( r )
      , the_col_size ( c )
      , the_data ( the_row_size * the_col_size, val )

    T & operator( std::size_t row, std::size_t col ) {
      return ( the_data [ the_col_size * row + col ] );

    T const & operator( std::size_t row, std::size_t col ) const {
      return ( the_data [ the_col_size * row + col ] );

    std::size_t row_size ( void ) const {
      return ( the_row_size );

    std::size_t col_size ( void ) const {
      return ( the_col_size );


Kai, you missed a pair of parens on both.

T& operator()( std::size_t row, std::size_t col );
T const & operator()( std::size_t row, std::size_t col ) const;

Oops, thanks.

I also missed the asserts that should be there:

     T & operator() ( std::size_t row, std::size_t col ) {
       assert( row < row_size() );
       assert( col < col_size() );
       return ( the_data [ the_col_size * row + col ] );

     T const & operator() ( std::size_t row, std::size_t col ) const {
       assert( row < row_size() );
       assert( col < col_size() );
       return ( the_data [ the_col_size * row + col ] );

And, of course, there should be some typedefs like value_type, reference,
const_reference, size_type. So what about:

struct array2d {

  typedef typename std::vector<T>::size_type size_type;
  typedef typename std::vector<T>::value_type value_type;
  typedef typename std::vector<T>::reference reference;
  typedef typename std::vector<T>::const_reference const_reference;


  size_type the_row_size;
  size_type the_col_size;
  std::vector<T> the_data;

  size_type pos ( size_type row, size_type col ) {
    assert( row < row_size() );
    assert( col < col_size() );
    return ( the_col_size * row + col );


  array2d ( size_type r, size_type c, const_reference val = T() )
    : the_row_size ( r )
    , the_col_size ( c )
    , the_data ( the_row_size * the_col_size, val )
    assert( the_row_size < size_type(-1) / the_col_size );

  reference operator() ( size_type row, size_type col ) {
    return ( the_data [ pos( row, col ) ] );

  const_reference operator() ( size_type row, size_type col ) const {
    return ( the_data [ pos( row, col ) ] );

  size_type row_size ( void ) const {
    return ( the_row_size );

  size_type col_size ( void ) const {
    return ( the_col_size );


The assert in the constructor is a little too strict.


Kai-Uwe Bux

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