Segmentation fault
The following code sometimes runs OK in my system, sometimes it produces
a segmentation fault (access to inaccessible memory). I filled it as a
bug of GCC, but am posting it here in case I did something wrong.
The segmentation fault happens when the SomeClass copy constructor is used:
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <cstddef>
#include <algorithm>
class SomeClass
typedef std::vector<int> TypeVector;
TypeVector vec;
enum { VectorSize= 100 };
SomeClass(const SomeClass &);
bool operator<(const SomeClass &argSomeClass) const
return vec[0]< argSomeClass.vec[0];
int main()
using namespace std;
const size_t SIZE=1000;
typedef vector<SomeClass> Vector;
typedef list<SomeClass> List;
cout<< "\nCreating vector with "<< SIZE<< " elements..."<< flush;
Vector vec(SIZE);
cout<<" Done!\n\n"<< flush;
List lis;
cout<< "Filling list with vector elements..."<< flush;
for(Vector::size_type i= 0; i< vec.size(); ++i)
cout<< " Done!\n\n"<< flush;
clock_t timeBeginVector, timeEndVector, timeBeginList, timeEndList;
cout<< "Timing the sorting of the vector..."<< flush;
// Diagnostic code line. Should output 1000 and 100
// cout<< endl<< vec.size()<< endl<< vec[0].vec.size()<< endl;
timeBeginVector= clock();
sort(vec.begin(), vec.end());
timeEndVector= clock();
cout<< " Done!\n\n"<< flush;
cout<< "Timing the sorting of the list..."<< flush;
timeBeginList= clock();
timeEndList= clock();
cout<< " Done!\n\n"<< flush;
cout<< "The sorting of the vector took "
<< static_cast<double>((timeEndVector- timeBeginVector))/
<< " seconds\n\n";
cout<< "The sorting of the list took "
<< static_cast<double>((timeEndList- timeBeginList))/
<< " seconds\n\n";
using namespace std;
for(TypeVector::size_type i= 0; i< vec.size(); ++i)
vec[i]= rand();
sort(vec.begin(), vec.end());
SomeClass::SomeClass(const SomeClass &):vec(VectorSize)
using namespace std;
for(TypeVector::size_type i= 0; i< vec.size(); ++i)
vec[i]= rand();
sort(vec.begin(), vec.end());