Re: vector representation

"Paul" <>
Sat, 9 Apr 2011 15:53:11 +0100
"Andrea Crotti" <> wrote in message

Alright I tried like this

#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>

template<typename T, typename Repr=T>
std::string vectorToString(const std::vector<T>& inp) {
   std::string empty("[]");
   if (inp.size() == 0)
       return empty;
   std::ostringstream os;
   os<< "[";
   size_t i;
   for (i=0; i< (inp.size()-1); ++i) {
       os<< static_cast<Repr> (inp[i])<< ",";
   os<< static_cast<Repr> (inp[i])<< "]";
   return os.str();

int main()
   std::vector<char> v {1, 2, 3};
   std::cout << vectorToString<char,unsigned int>( v ) << std::endl;

and then yes, it's correct already, I'm probably doing something else
stupid when calling the function then...

If you want to convert to a vector of int , why do you return a string?
The conversion is only temporary and you do not see what its converted to,
what you need to do is something like this :

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

template< template<typename T1, typename Alloc1> class C1, typename T1,
typename Alloc1,
template<typename T2, typename Alloc2> class C2, typename T2, typename
void convert(const C1<T1, Alloc1>& vchar, C2<T2, Alloc2>& vint) {
    for (std::size_t i=0; i<vchar.size(); ++i){
  vint[i] = 0xF & static_cast<T2>(vchar[i]);
/*Mask the ascii value with 0xF to convert to int.*/

int main()
    std::vector<char> vc(3);
 std::vector<int> vi(3);

    convert(vc, vi);

 for (int i=0;i<3; ++i ){
  std::cout<< vi[i] <<'\t';


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