Re: Force creation of objects with new operator
Jorgen Grahn <> writes:
On Thu, 2011-06-30, Urs Thuermann wrote:
I have a class where I want objects to commit suicide by calling
delete this;
Is this considered a clean approach? Are there better ways?
There are likely better ways, but /which ones/ depends on your
particular problem, and you haven't shown that one. It seems to me a
communication path from your class is missing, or something -- it
cannot tell its environment "I'm done now; you may destroy me".
In my code I have a class A that has one pointer to an object of class
B and each object of B has list of pointers to all objects of class A
refering to it. Therefore, this is similar to a reference couting
smart pointer but I need the list of referers in class B. That's why
I didn't implement it in a separate smart pointer class:
class A;
class B {
std::list <A *> refs;
~B() { ... }
B(A *a) {
void add_ref(A *a) {
void rem_ref(A *a) {
if (refs.empty())
delete this;
class A {
B *b;
A(...) {
if (b = find_matching_B(...))
b = new B(this);
~A() {
Currently, I don't see how a wrapper around B that deletes the B
objects could make this cleaner.
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