Re: vector question

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Mon, 19 Jun 2006 12:34:29 -0400
Babis Haldas wrote:

Can you please tell me whats wrong with the follow code
Its crasing in the line
       cout << v[0]->x1 << endl;
when accesing the first element of the vector
If i define the vector as
vector<foo*>v ;
everything is ok

why it doesnt like v(10) ?

Because if you don't specify the size, it creates an *empty* vector,
in which you later insert the *real* (non-null) element, which you
later access.


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

struct foo {
       int x1;
       int x2;

int main()
       vector<foo*> v(10);

That creates a ten-sized vector of pointers to 'foo', each null (IIRC).

       foo * p;
       p = new foo;
       p->x1 = 111;
       p->x2 = 222;

That inserts *yet another* pointer to 'foo' at the end of the vector.

       cout << v[0]->x1 << endl;

v[0] is a null pointer. You try dereferencing it. Undefined behaviour.


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