Re: Vector problem push_back not working.

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Wed, 18 Apr 2007 12:03:01 -0400
JoeC wrote:

I am doing some routine code with dev C++ and I am getting an error
when I am trying to basic functions with a vector.


A declaration of a vector at namespace scope is OK. It's default-

nation n1(red); <these are constructors.
nation n2(black);

Two declarations (definitions) at namespace scope with respective
initialisations are OK.

int z = pl.size(); <--this works just.

It's still a declaration/definition with a copy-initialiser. OK.

pl.push_back(n1); <--get error here.

Now, this is not a declaration. It's an executable statement. It
is not OK to have an exectutable statement OUTSIDE of any function.

36 C:\Documents and Settings\Work\My Documents\C++\SBGIII\Main.cpp
expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '.' token
36 C:\Documents and Settings\Work\My Documents\C++\SBGIII\Main.cpp
expected `,' or `;' before '.' token

This does not make any sense, I use vectors all the time and why is
the compiler giving me problems?

Because you're outside of any function, most likely. Check your
curly braces.

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