Re: Wierd template class

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Thu, 26 Apr 2007 08:20:44 -0400
desktop wrote:

Ok the void operator()(){} now contains this code:

  void operator()() {
    typedef typename std::vector<E>::iterator R;
    R answer = NAMESPACE::find(a.begin(), a.end(), s);

But R is not defined as a template parameter in the template class

Uh... It's defined on the line *immediately preceding* the line on
which it's used. R is a typedef-id.

template <typename E>
class Mytest {
    Mytest(int n) {
        s = E(0);


  void operator()() {
    typedef typename std::vector<E>::iterator R;
    R answer = ::find(a.begin(), a.end(), s);

          E s;
          std::vector<E> a;


In this context I assume R is just a name for the iterator, but how
can an iterator have 2 names: "R answer = ...."?

What book are you reading that doesn't explain how 'typedef' works?

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