Re: default size of STL vector question
On Oct 14, 6:00 pm, "Andrew Koenig" <> wrote:
"zl2k" <> wrote in message
What is the default size of a stl vector?
Suppose I have integers
needs to store in a vector and I know the max number of integer is,
say, 1000. Will it be more efficient that I first allocate size of
1000 and then use {vector[counter] = aNumber; counter++} to populate
the vector than by push_back(aNumber)?
Your best bet is probably to reserve enough space (that is, call reserve
rather than resize) and then call push_back repeatedly.
vector<int> v;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
That way, you avoid having to reallocate vector elements, and
you also avoid having to construct elements that you overwrite
That was more or less what I'd assumed until I actually measured
it. For an std::vector<int>, at least for the implementation I
measured (g++ on Sun Sparc, IIRC), doing the initializations was
slightly faster than the push_back's.
This obviously depends on the type--if default construction
followed by assignment is significantly slower than for int, for
example---and the implementation, and as a general rule, I'd
still go with reserve() plus the push_back(), since it will
always be almost as fast, and protects against the case where
construction plus assignment is expensive. But if performance
matters, you have to profile.
James Kanze (GABI Software)
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