Re: How do we use an ifstream vector?

"Alf P. Steinbach" <>
Sat, 02 Feb 2008 00:30:19 +0100
* maria:

std::vector <ifstream> in[10];

Uhm, first, an ifstream is not copy-constructible (for what would it
mean to copy a stream?), so you can't place it directly in a vector.

Your compiler should not have accepted that; try to check whether there
is some option to be more standard-conforming (e.g. for g++ -std c++98,

Second, if hypothetically ifstream could serve as vector element type,
the above would declare a raw array of ten empty vectors.

You might instead do

   typedef boost::shared_ptr< std::ifstream > IfStreamPtr;

   std::vector<IfStreamPtr> in;

Or, from a practical point of view, to avoid having to deal with all
that, but also then coding without a safety net, just use a raw array of
ifstream, default-initialized, and then open() each one.

string open_input[10]={

I'll assume that's

   std::string const open_input[10] = {


How do we open the first 5 files above
by using the vector in?

Are you sure you need to have them all open simultanously?

It would be much, much easier to do one file at a time.

However (disclaimer: off-the-cuff code):

   void throwX( char const s[] ) { throw std::runtime_error( s ); }

   typedef boost::shared_ptr< std::ifstream > IfStreamPtr;

   void open5Files(
       std::string const names[], std::vector<IfStreamPtr>& in
       std::vector<IfStreamPtr> result;
       for( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
           IfStreamPtr stream( new std::ifstream( names[i] ) );

           if( stream->fail() ) { throwX( "blah blah failed" ); }
           result.push_back( stream );
       result.swap( in );

   void foo()
       using namespace std;
       static string const inFileNames[] = { "a", "b", ... };

       vector<IfStreamPtr> inFiles;
       open5Files( inFileNames, inFiles );
       // Do things

This code does some ungood things such as using a magic number (namely
5) and using ifstream pointers rather than abstracting up to istream. I
couldn't recall whether istream has virtual destructor or not. I think
not, and then for abstracting up one would need a custom destruction
function for the boost::shared_ptr.

In short, the so-called /abstraction cost/ seems to be high for this
problem, but might be alleviated by using more suitable library classes.

The raw array and non-exception-based version:

   #define ARRAY_SIZE( a ) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(*a))

   bool foo()
       using namespace std;

       static char const* const inFileNames[] = { "a", "b", ... };

       ifstream inFiles[ARRAY_SIZE(inFileNames)];

       assert( ARRAY_SIZE(inFileNames) >= 5 );
       for( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
           if( !inFiles[i].open( inFileNames[i] ) )
               return false;

       // Do things with the files, then:
       return true;

When I try

for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
    if (!in[i](open_input[i].c_str(), ios::in)) {
        return 1;

It doesn't work.

"Doesn't work" is quite vague...

Cheers, & hth.,

- Alf

Disclaimer: none of code above ever touched by compiler's hands.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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