Re: How do we use an ifstream vector?

James Kanze <>
Sat, 2 Feb 2008 03:58:08 -0800 (PST)
On Feb 2, 12:30 am, "Alf P. Steinbach" <> wrote:

* maria:

std::vector <ifstream> in[10];

Uhm, first, an ifstream is not copy-constructible (for what
would it mean to copy a stream?), so you can't place it
directly in a vector.

Your compiler should not have accepted that; try to check
whether there is some option to be more standard-conforming
(e.g. for g++ -std c++98, IIRC).

It's undefined behavior, so the compiler is not required to
complain. For g++, -std=c++98 tells the compiler to use the
1998 language standard, but does not impact the library. For
-D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_PEDANTIC. (I think it is the first which is
important here, but I just go ahead and use all three. Be
warned, however, that these options may change the size of
certain structures, so code compiled with them is not compatible
with code compiled without them.)

Second, if hypothetically ifstream could serve as vector element type,
the above would declare a raw array of ten empty vectors.

You might instead do

   typedef boost::shared_ptr< std::ifstream > IfStreamPtr;

   std::vector<IfStreamPtr> in;

For once:-). Agreed. This is one place where shared_ptr is
just the ticket. (Of course, the next version of the standard
will support move semantics, and will allow a vector of
ifstream. But I wouldn't count on it any time soon.)

Or, from a practical point of view, to avoid having to deal with all
that, but also then coding without a safety net, just use a raw array of
ifstream, default-initialized, and then open() each one.

I'm not sure where the problem with that is, if the array is a
local object. With g++, at least, unless you're compiling with
the options I mention above, you don't have any safety net with
vector, either, and with Sun CC (with either the Rogue Wave
version of the library or the STL port), there aren't even any
options to provide the safety net.

I'd still use an std::vector of boost::shared_ptr, of course,
but in this case, that's only because it is the expected idiom,
and anything else will cause the reader to wonder. (In
practice, I only use C style arrays when I need to achieve
static initialization, or when the profiler says I must.)


This code does some ungood things such as using a magic number
(namely 5) and using ifstream pointers rather than abstracting
up to istream. I couldn't recall whether istream has virtual
destructor or not.

Are you kidding? All classes in the standard which have virtual
functions have a virtual destructor. (In this case, the base
class ios_base has a virtual destructor.)

You really should stop spreading FUD about iostream. If you
don't like them, don't use them, but they happen to be the best
alternative by far that we have, and used correctly, the
actually work very well.

I think not, and then for abstracting up one would need a
custom destruction function for the boost::shared_ptr.

Sorry, but boost::shared_ptr doesn't require that the destructor
by virtual---it will always call the destructor on the type of
pointer passed into it.

In short, the so-called /abstraction cost/ seems to be high
for this problem, but might be alleviated by using more
suitable library classes.

More FUD. The only abstraction cost is the extra allocations of
std::vector. Probably not even measurable, compared to the time
used to read a file.

The raw array and non-exception-based version:

   #define ARRAY_SIZE( a ) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(*a))

   bool foo()
       using namespace std;
       static char const* const inFileNames[] = { "a", "b", ... };
       ifstream inFiles[ARRAY_SIZE(inFileNames)];
       assert( ARRAY_SIZE(inFileNames) >= 5 );
       for( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
           if( !inFiles[i].open( inFileNames[i] ) )
               return false;
       // Do things with the files, then:
       return true;

Still more FUD. The above is perfectly exception safe. The
only problem it has is that it isn't the usual idiom, so the
reader will ask why.

James Kanze (GABI Software)
Conseils en informatique orient=E9e objet/
                   Beratung in objektorientierter Datenverarbeitung
9 place S=E9mard, 78210 St.-Cyr-l'=C9cole, France, +33 (0)1 30 23 00 34

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