ciccio wrote:
I was wondering why in the following piece of code, the function test1
calls a copy constructor at return and why test2 does not. Is the usage
of multiple return statements in one function not really a good
programming style?
Thanks for the help
#include <iostream>
class foo {
foo() { };
foo(const foo &c) { std::cout << "copu" << std::endl; }
foo test1() {
if (true) {
foo c;
return c;
return foo();
foo test2() {
foo c;
if (true) {
return c;
int main(void) {
std::cout << "test 1" << std::endl;
std::cout << "test 2" << std::endl;
return 0;
I believe in this case it comes down to the compiler's ability to
optimise the copying away. In one case it can, in the other it cannot,
and that's about it. As to the style of multiple return points, it's up
to the user. Too many moons ago I was taught structured programming,
and a single return point was important. Nowadays if you program using
the RAII paradigm, multiple returns are perfectly OK, AFAICT.
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why in one case the constructor is called and in another it is not.