Compile-time introspection failure

Juha Nieminen <nospam@thanks.invalid>
03 Dec 2010 13:17:17 GMT
  I was testing the usage (or "abuse") of SFINAE for compile-time
introspection. In this particular example, I use it to call the
'reserve()' function of an object if it has it, else nothing. The
program is as follows (sorry for the somewhat lengthy program, but
I don't know if this can be implemented more briefly; please tell
me if it's possible, because it would be interesting):

template<typename T>
struct has_reserve_func
    typedef char yes[1];
    typedef char no[2];

    template<typename size_type, void (T::*fptr)(size_type)>
    struct test_struct {};

    template<typename C>
    static yes& test(test_struct<typename C::size_type, &C::reserve>*);

    static no& test(...);

    static const bool value = sizeof(test<T>(0)) == sizeof(yes);

#include <iostream>

struct CallReserve
    template<typename Cont_t>
    static void makeCall(Cont_t&, typename Cont_t::size_type)
        std::cout << "Not calling reserve.\n";

struct CallReserve<true>
    template<typename Cont_t>
    static void makeCall(Cont_t& container,
                         typename Cont_t::size_type amount)
        std::cout << "Calling reserve.\n";

template<typename Cont_t>
void callReserve(Cont_t& container, typename Cont_t::size_type amount)
        (container, amount);

// Test
#include <vector>
#include <list>

class Test: public std::vector<int> {};

int main()
    std::cout << "vector: ";
    std::vector<int> v;
    callReserve(v, 123);

    std::cout << "list: ";
    std::list<int> l;
    callReserve(l, 123);

  When run, it prints the expected:

vector: Calling reserve.
list: Not calling reserve.

  However, the "introspection" fails if the 'reserve()' function is
in a base class instead of the derived class. For example if I do

class Test: public std::vector<int> {};

int main()
    std::cout << "Test: ";
    Testi t;
    callReserve(t, 123);

it will not call the reserve function.

  What is the reason for this, and can it be made to work?

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