Re: Is a function argument an implicit cast?

Michael Doubez <>
Wed, 3 Mar 2010 07:01:38 -0800 (PST)
On 3 mar, 15:15, DeMarcus <> wrote:

Michael Doubez wrote:

On 3 mar, 12:48, DeMarcus <> wrote:


I need to store pointers as void* to be able to check that an
(semi-arbitrary) object cannot be used twice.

It looks like this.

template<typename T>
class BaseClass
    T t;


std::set<const void*> checklist;

template<typename T>
bool testAndSet( const BaseClass<T>& object )
    // Insert object into set, if already inserted, return false.
    return checklist.insert( &object ).second;


int main()
    BaseClass<int> intClass;
    assert( testAndSet( intClass ) && "Should not fail" );
    assert( testAndSet( intClass ) && "Should fail" );


Regarding the conversion to const void* when inserting into the set,
this must be safe, right?

Yes. It is safe.

Since everything that comes into testAndSet()
are implicitly cast to BaseClass<T> the void* must always be the same
for any single object.

It will be the same for any single address. This is equivalent to a

If you want it to be the same for any single object, you must use a
dynamic_cast<void*>(). You will the have a pointer on the most derived
underlying object.

In a previous post Alf P. Steinbach showed the following problem.

struct A
    int a;


struct B : A
    virtual ~B() {}
    int b;


int main()
    B* p1 = new B;
    A* p2 = p1;
    void* pv1 = p1;
    void* pv2 = p2;
    assert( pv1 == pv2 && "Fails!" );


But isn't my example safe from that since I do an implicit cast in the
function argument, similar to doing the following.

int main()
    B* p1 = new B;
    A* p2 = p1;
    void* pv1 = static_cast<A*>(p1);
    void* pv2 = static_cast<A*>(p2);
    assert( pv1 == pv2 && "Should be ok" );


Am I correct about this assumption? Does it say in the standard that t=


different pointers to the same object will always be identical after a=


implicit cast through a function call like my testAndSet example above=


If you are guaranteed that you have only one ancestor, yes but see the

struct A
    int a;

struct B : A
    virtual ~B() {}
    int b;

struct C : A
    virtual ~C() {}
    int c;

struct D : B, C
    virtual ~D() {}
    int d;

    C* p1 = new C;
    A* p2 = p1;
    B* p3 = p1;
    void* pv1 = static_cast<A*>(p2);
    void* pv2 = static_cast<A*>(p3);
    assert( pv1 == pv2 && "Should Fail" );


B* p3 = p1; will give a compiler error, which is fine.
I guess you meant the following.

    D* p1 = new D; // <-- D instead
    C* p2 = p1;
    B* p3 = p1;
    void* pv1 = static_cast<A*>(p2);
    void* pv2 = static_cast<A*>(p3);
    assert( pv1 == pv2 && "Should Fail" );


Yes, that's what I meant.

What does the standard say about such cast?

pv1 will point to D::C::A of p1 and pv2 will point to D::B::A of p1
(unless you sue virtual inheritance). So you have pv1 != pv2.

I hinted that with dynamic_cast<void*>() you get a pointer on the most
derived class. IMO, this is what you are looking for. In the example:

void* pa1 = static_cast<A*>(p2);
void* pa2 = static_cast<A*>(p3);

void* pv1 = dynamic_cast<void*>(pa1);
void* pv2 = dynamic_cast<void*>(pa2);

assert( pv1 == pv2 && "Should Succeed" );


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