Re: STL - erasing from a set

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Fr=E9d=E9ric_JARDON?= <>
Fri, 19 Nov 2010 14:17:04 CST
On 19 nov, 08:14, Andrey <> wrote:

You said,

This basically means you would need a
temporary container and it does not remove the mentioned elements from
the source set.

I understand that, but the problem is that this temporary container
cannot be a new (empty) set... it needs to be something that is filled
to the necessary capacity already.

You can insert into an empty set using a special iterator:
std::insert_iterator<>. You usually create this iterator using the
std::inserter<>() function.

I wrote another sample program to
see if I could I could get set_symmetric_difference to work:


    set_symmetric_difference(set_int.begin(), set_int.end(),
set2_int.begin(), set2_int.end(), set_diff.begin());

The set_diff.begin() iterator hasn't got the right iterator type. You
need an output iterator.
See my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  typedef std::set<int> set_int_t;

  set_int_t A, B, C;

  /// A contains [0, 19]
  for(int i(0); i<20; ++i)

  /// B contains [10, 29]
  for(int i(10); i<30; ++i)

  /// C will contains [0,9]
  /// using std::set_symmetric_difference()
  /// would make C contains [0,9] U [20,29]
   A.begin(), A.end(),
   B.begin(), B.end(),
   std::inserter(C, C.begin()));

  /// Swapping A and C, and erasing C

  /// Show the content of A
  std::cout << "A = { ";
    A.begin(), A.end(),
    std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, ", "));
  std::cout << "}" << std::endl;

  return 0;

Of course, I could use std::set::erase to erase each value
individually, as you mention. But that means I would have to create a
loop. I thought there should be a way to do this in STL in a single

You can swap the two sets. A.swap(C); makes all the content of C goes
into A and all the content of A goes into C. As you don't care anymore
of previous A's content, you can just clear C afterward. C.clear();

Frederic JARDON

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