Re: Is this safe?

Dragan Milenkovic <>
Thu, 2 Jul 2009 03:05:58 CST
Andre Kaufmann wrote:

Joshua Maurice wrote:

On Jun 30, 11:46 am, mattb <> wrote:

I have come across a singleton implementation of the following form in
some code I have to maintain...

[Out of order quote]

Is this safe?

Not in the slightest.

Are you really sure about slightest ? (see below)

file - Singleton.h

You may want a more unique name for the macro, something involving
your company name for example. I'd imagine SINGLETON_H would be a
common name.

Also, "xxx.hpp" is the way of C++, not "xxx.h". Just a stylistic

It's perhaps often used for header files with only templates inside. But
is that an official recommendation of the C++ standard ? I don't think so.

See "C++ and the Perils of Double Checked Locking"
for a thorough description of why the above does not work and has
never worked.

It depends perhaps (?) on the CPU / OS, but I think the synchronization
primitives should work equally on each CPU, since safe multi threaded
code couldn't be written safely without memory fences.

But to play it safe [for me ;-)] I refer to Windows with a x86 / x64 CPU.

The relevant code, which IMHO makes the code safe (beside perhaps one
detail) is:

          AccessLock<CriticalSection> access(key_);
          if ( !instance_ )
             static Singleton<T> theInstance;
             instance_ = &theInstance;

Let me rewrite the code, how I interpret it to work (internally):

a) CriticalSection.EnterCriticalSection();
b) if (!instance) {...}
c) CriticalSection.LeaveCriticalSection();

At point a) c) memory barrier instructions are executed, which ensure
that no reordering occurs inside the boundaries and that all changes to
memory are visible to all cores.

If I understood correctly, you are saying that the _only_ thing that
is wrong with the original code is the possibility of using a register?

In order for the changes to be "visible" to all cores, there has to
be a matching memory barrier instruction _before_ reading a variable.
There is none before the first "if (!instance_)", so at that point
the core can "see" a non-null instance_, but can "see" *instance_
from the time before the constructor did its job. This is why
double-checked locking fails.


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