Re: retrieving templatized object via singleton getInstance using generic template parameters wrote:
I want to call a singleton getInstance function to retrieve a
templatized object without knowing what types were used to create the
singleton object in the first call to getInstance. How can I do this
non-intrusively -- I.e., without, for example, typedef'ing the types
in every compilation unit?
What you're asking (having peeked in your source code, I'm guessing)
is to declare/define an object without specifying the actual type of
the object. That's impossible in C++.
Perhaps you can review your source and amend it with some kind of
example of how you're going to actually *use* the "object" you want
to retrieve?
Our code base has assert macros that need to reboot the system after
notifying components via a single templatized Component object that
contains the IPC object. I made the macro call a reboot function, but
that function needs to access the IPC object. I want to singleton'ize
the Component object to provide access to the IPC object, but don't
want to hand-code the template parameters in each compilation unit for
each getInstance call.
So, put them into a macro and set them at compilation time with -D or
some such option of the compiler...
// I want to call retrieve a templatized object via a call to
// without supplying the objects template parameters.
// Is there any way to do this, perhaps using template meta-
programming (TMP) techniques?
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <typename T1, typename T2>
class Component
static Component<T1, T2> getInstance()
static Component<T1, T2> t;
return t;
int main()
// after the initial call to getInstance, here
Component<int, string> & r1 = Component<int,
// I then want to call getInstance to obtain the same Component
without specifying the template params.
Component<something generic> & r2 = Component<something
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